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[Release] Project 7 (5.02 CTF)
09.03.2009, 18:49
Project 7 by XanderChaos

I'm not dead, just busy. I had something more special planned for Project 7 as a lot of you probably know, but Davee has been running into one bug after another. So here I am with the CTF version of P7.
Way back before I made heartbeat I had the idea for this. It was what heartbeat should have been, but wasn't. Anyway, I've customized quite a bit, but it probably isn't as detailed as ClickSlide was. There's a startup bug if you have the Classic wave selected as your background, but you can get around it by skipping the opening. Sorry that all the text isn't black, I couldn't quite fix it all. If I fix it at some point I'll be sure to post it.
Davee & Bubbletune - Scrambles and ThemeXtra
ReGeX - Opinion and advice
SchmilK, mutevict1m, modular511 - Testing
Team M33 - Their continued support of CFW
Poison - CXMB
ZiNgA, SchmilK, matchung, vegetano1, and everyone else at EP - Research of RCOs and PRXs.

- Fixed Online Manuals, GO!, and UMD Update icons for slims.

- Для работы нужен плагин CXMB3.3 который можно взять здесь http://trund.at.ua/load/17-1-0-82
- Скинуть файл темы (ctf) в psp\theme
- Зайти в Настройки-Темы и выбрать только что установленную темку
- Пользуйтесь!
Категория: Themes for PSP | Добавил: Meduza
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